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5 Surefire Tips to Create DIY Halloween Crafts

October 30, 2014

On Halloween, involve your kids in trying out craft ideas to let them manifest their creativity. Check out these great craft ideas and learn how you can create wonderful, spooky Halloween items with crafting tools and easy-to-do DIY bow-makers.

By Sara Peterson

halloween trick or treat

Come October 31st and everyone will be decked up to celebrate the Halloween! What’s Halloween without spooky pumpkins, skeletons, and ghosts?

Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve or All Saints’ Eve, is an annual celebration observed to remember the deceased saints, martyrs and believers. Halloween is also the time to enjoy and indulge in various festive activities. From trick-or-treating to creating jack-o’-lanterns by carving pumpkins, from lighting bonfires to playing pranks, from playing the game of apple bobbing to participating in costume themed parties, Halloween brings out the creative spirit in you!

Halloween is a great occasion for engaging your kids in new craft ideas, and encouraging them to use their creativity to make Halloween decorations for home. Especially for kids, Halloween craft-making is a learning opportunity for trying out new and interesting crafting ideas and tools.

There is a wide variety of craft supplies and tools available to keep the kids occupied before trick-or-treat time. Let’s have a look at some of the arts and craft ideas and easy-to-use crafting tools for kids:

1. Spooky bottles

Look for the empty bottles in your home and remove labels. You can spray-paint bottles in white shade and the kids can draw spooky faces with a black marker.

2. Making a skeleton with cotton swabs

Do you know you can make a skeleton with cotton swabs that are used to clean ears? All you need is a marker, glue, white paper, coarse construction paper, scissors and the cotton swabs.

Draw a skeleton face on a white paper and paste it on a construction paper. Later on, use cotton swabs to form skeleton bones and paste them on the construction paper.

3. Hanging Spooky Spiders

Halloween craft ideas

Kids can have a gala time in making hanging spooky spiders

Children can have lots of fun by decorating windows and doors with hanging spooky spiders. All you need is pipe cleaners, white pom pom, ribbon, buttons, adhesive, black sparkle foam, hole punch and scissors.

These are some of the basic items that you easily find at home or a craft store and kids can have a gala time making unique things with these craft tools. You can find step-by-step instructions to make hanging spooky spiders at Bowdabra.

4. Hanging puffy spooky ghosts

Children can have lots of fun by decorating windows and doors with hanging puffy ghosts. All you need is some white card paper, glue, cotton balls, black paper and scissors. These are some of the basic items that you easily find at home or a craft store and kids can have a gala time making unique things with these craft tools.

Cut out the cardboard as in the shape of a ghost’s face. It doesn’t need to be a perfect shape because the cotton balls will cover it up. Your kids will love covering it up with glue and sticking on the cotton balls. Cut out a smile and two round eyes from the black paper and stick them on and then hang these puffy spooky ghosts from the window with some black string. Its spooky and its easy!

5. Decorate pumpkin with bows

Halloween craft ideas for kids

Decorate Pumpkin with bows made with bow making tool

You can create a stylish pumpkin by decorating it with ribbons and bows. Get together some black and white satin ribbon, polka dot ribbon, pumpkin (real or fake, your choice), hot glue, scissors and a mini bowdabra bow making tool and bow wire to create bows.

Create a bow with the help of bow making tool. Once done, you can glue strands of satin ribbon on pumpkin and paste the bow on top of it.

Not just that, you can even create beautiful hair bows for your daughter on Halloween by using easy-to-create bow makers and make her look even more stylish and cuter.

5. Where to get tips and ideas for art and crafts

Pinterest is a great source where you can find unlimited interesting and innovative craft ideas for Halloween. As for supplies, there are many Online Craft Stores that provide easy-to-use crafting tools and bow-making tools to make crafting and creating things with kids easier and enjoyable.

You can also check out websites that offer craft tutorials for holiday decorating, Halloween, Christmas and Thanksgiving craft ideas and gift wrapping and so on.

Unleash creativity in kids

Bowdabra® Bow Making & Design Tool

Bowdabra® Bow Making and Design Tool

The idea behind involving kids in Halloween crafts ideas is to encourage them to unleash their creativity and use their imagination.

Even if you or your kids are not into crafts as a hobby, you can encourage children to use their creativity as much as they can with simple, easy-to-use crafting tools and supplies available at online art and craft stores.

Moreover kids feel happy and confident when their artwork is appreciated by parents, friends and other members of the family. You can use your kids’ artwork in home decor too.

You can find many more simple and awesome Halloween craft ideas at Bowdabra. Bowdabra is an easy-to-use bow-making tool that helps even novices to create professional looking bows that you can use in gift wrapping and decorating Halloween crafts.

Watch this video to learn how to make breathtakingly beautiful bows with Bowdabra bow maker.

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang