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2 States Review: ‘Marriage Ki Politics’

April 18, 2014 | By

The movie shows the melodrama where people use caste, creed or religion to hurt badly and in due course reconcile as if nothing happened.

Cast: Arjun Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amrita Singh, Revathi, Ronit Roy, Shiv Subramaniyam
Director: Karan Johar, Abhishek Varman
Music: Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonsa

2 States2 STATES is a simple, predictable, ‘relate-able’ movie. ‘Marriage ki politics’ in India is union of two families and ‘love’ is just a subset, which gets  lost in between.

The movie shows the melodrama where people use caste, creed or religion to hurt badly and in due course reconcile as if nothing happened.
The story is well known to everyone sans illiterate me – i just can’t read novels – and Chetan Bhagat’s 4th work on screen could be an Asian record.


+ scenes: when Arjun proposes the entire family, climax lunch meet, marriage spot.
+ Ronit Roy  in every scene; shame our film industry is busy typecasting him.
+ Alia in her stylo kurtis, looks younger and good. Her career is already speeding down the ‘Highway’.
+ Songs are good.
+ Ravishing Revathy and the mashup song
+ Very limited cliches.


– Arjun’s story telling scenes are drag, he’s truly cut out for action roles, but credit to him for trying to coming out.
– Amrita Singh isn’t convincing as the suppressed wife and dominating mom.
– Predictable fare mostly, no shock factor, ending is drag.

Rating : 3.5/5 (Do Watch)

Box Office Prediction

It is IPL & election season but this will still do well. Crowds were enjoying and with the big filmy family camps involved all the big critics will over-rate the movie.

Avijit Das Patnaik is an Administrator of Moviemaniacs Facebook Group

2 states movie still

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Avijit Das Patnaik is a banker by profession, network marketeer by choice, frequent traveller by rule, mad about sports by religion, socially active, foodie, stand up comedian (even while sitting) and Moviemaniac by diet.
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